Alice - A Story Of Addiction

Alice is a 50-year-old woman currently experiencing homelessness. Alice grew up as an only child & shared that she was "very well loved" growing up. She also shared that she attended a private school for the entirety of her life. At 16, Alice became pregnant with her first child & right after she gave birth, she got pregnant again. Therefore, her son & daughter are only 11 months apart. Alice said that they were both from the same father, however, he was not very present in their lives, as he was in and out of prison due to drug problems. With all of this being said, Alice still raised her two children in her childhood home whilst working both a full-time state job, as well as a full-time government job.

Although Alice's father had always told her that the house would be hers in the future, when he passed away in 2010, her mother told her that she had one year to move out. So, in 2011, Alice & her daughter moved into a studio apartment in Los Angeles County. During this time, both her grandpa & children's father passed away. Alice shared that she had always struggled with slight alcohol-use problems, however, they became more prominent after the passing of her father, as he was one of her biggest role models. Alice also had severe back problems, which caused her to self-medicate with alcohol.

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